Tafea Province, Vanuatu

In 2004, the Island of Tanna, Vanuatu was devastated by cyclones and in April of that year, Eastern Region RAWCS Volunteers undertook emergency repairs to the Lenakel Hospital Roof. Following these repairs, D9650 RAWCS saw the need to establish a project to improve the wellbeing of the people of Tafea Province by providing ongoing assistance in Health, Education and Community infrastructure.

The Project. The project brings to bear the various aspects of RAWCS humanitarian aid; Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM), Safe Water Saves Lives (SWSL), Donations in Kind (DIK), Pacific Training Aid (PTA), Adopt a School (AAS) and labour and expertise through Project Volunteer Teams (formerly Fourth Avenue in Motion - FAIM).

Although it is a district project, the Port Macquarie Club has been very actively involved. It has supplied the Project Chairman for the whole period of the project and has sent three teams to work on the ground, in hospitals and schools. The current Chairman, Ray White is from the Port Club and visits Vanuatu several times each year to plan future activities and co-ordinate the various teams working on the project.

Initially, concentration was on the Lenakel Hospital and staff quarters and Tanna Rural Health facilities.

The project has now been expanded to include projects for schools and village infrastructure.

Several Matching Grants (MG) have been secured for assistance with SWSL activities of schools water storage and during 2009, five schools have been renovated and have had roof enhancement and water tanks to provide a guaranteed water supply. SWSL water storage is essential for healthy safe drinking water and washing hygiene.

Strong emphasis is placed on training the local population so that their long term sustainability is assured.

Infrastructure projects. Village and community life revolves around each village’s community hall and the one at Yarkei Village, situated close to the Yassur Volcano, suffered extensive damage by losing its corrugated roof, roof trusses, windows, storm shutters and doors, including the structural cracking of an exterior besser block wall.

Kits for Kids. Large numbers of kits for kids have been produced by clubs and individuals within the District. These are distributed by the Education Dept representatives on Tanna to the schools that most need them. The kits include writing materials, pencils, staplers, pencil sharpeners etc. As you can see from the photo below, these kits are well received by the children.

Baby Kits. Large numbers of these have also been produced and are most welcome to the new mothers. The kits are reported as having had an impact on the number of mothers presenting to the hospital to have their babies.

Sewing classes. These have been extremely well received and is one of the main factors in the development of the Skill Centre

Current Status. During 2004-2010, there have been more than 250 volunteers in 40 teams visit Tanna Island to undertake repairs and refurbishment of Lenakel Hospital, staff houses, Rural Health Clinics, schools and infrastructure Assets. PTA activities include practical training for students of Rural Technical Colleges and hospital staff. “Kits for Kids” educational resource packages and Baby Kits for maternity health continue to be assembled and despatched. The “Adopt A School” program is under way.

Funds devoted to the project to date.
Project volunteers Costs donated by the volunteers $700,000
Project materials Purchased by RAWCS or by individual teams and clubs $120,000
Donations in Kind
Oxygen concentrator, Xray machine, Spirometer, Special medical equipment, Autoclave, beds and lockers, linen, air conditioners, 8 x 5 trailer, Baby Kits, rubbish bins, Kits for Kids, computers, sewing machines etc etc etc 250,000
Container freight 7 containers @ $4,500 each 31,500
A conservative total of $1,101,500

This year’s Plan. There will be two major projects undertaken during 2011. The first is the repair of a number of schools and the second the construction of a major infrastructure asset – The Skill Centre.

The Skill Centre
As part of the Tafea project, a Skill Centre is being built in the grounds of the Lenakel Hospital, to fill a vital need for the community in the following areas.
Medical training – being adjacent to the hospital, the centre will provide an excellent amenity for nurse continuing training, and in particular it will allow post graduate training of nurses in the prevention and treatment of malaria
Sewing Classes – will cater for the instruction of ladies from the remote villages in the basics of sewing. These ladies can then take these skills back to their villages
Nutrition – women relatives of patients at the hospital are heavily involved in preparing meals for the hospital patients - the Skill Centre will have an open ended area at the end of the centre which will have facilities for the women to prepare meals in a protected area.
Other training – our volunteer teams, while working on building and other projects, work with students from Rural Training Centres and provide them with valuable hands on experience. In addition, our tradesmen undertake some theoretical training when possible for these students. This facility will be invaluable in providing this type of training in an ideal classroom environment.
General meeting area – there is a lack of meeting facilities on the island for large gatherings and this building will provide an excellent area for such gatherings.

School Projects.

Team Requirements. D9650 FAIM Chairman is seeking Club and individual volunteers to join in this great RAWCS Project. Non Rotarians can also be team members and clubs may consider sponsoring apprentices or tradespeople as team members. Team visit duration is normally two weeks. Ongoing team skills required include, but are not restricted to – carpenters, plumbers, roofers, electricians, painters and handypersons. Women are most welcome on the teams. All teams work with and give practical training to the local technical school students. Rotary insurance is provided for all team members.
Accommodation. The teams stay at the Lenakel Cove Resort, which is of quite a high standard, and the operators provide excellent food, three meals each day, and transport for teams. Teams working away from the main centre may be accommodated in local villages.
Costs & Timing. Volunteer cost for travel, accommodation and meals is approx $2700 (tax deductible) ex Sydney/Brisbane. Firm costs are set when team numbers, airfare costs are quoted and accommodation details confirmed. Participating Clubs are asked to assist by helping finance the cost of project materials with a donation to the project fund of at least $1,000 (more is acceptable). Individuals and businesses may also make a donation and receive a Tax Deductible Receipt. For more detailed information contact the Project Tafea Chairman Ray White.

Project Tafea came into being in 2004, through a cyclone and Rotary recognizing that a South Pacific Island, only three hours from our front doorstep, needed help. Over five years of hard work by many teams has inspired the Ni-Vans to not only appreciate what Rotary is doing for them, but to participate in team activities and gain knowledge and experience in becoming sustainable for the longer term.


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